It Can’t Get Better Than This…
…there is nothing better than doing your job and then doing your job for family! I had the opportunity several times to photograph my niece Sydney…she was also the original face for Victoria Campbell Photography years ago and I just love having the privilege of capturing her every year and watch her grown into such a beautiful young woman. This year she is a high school senior…even though she is considered “new family” to me since meeting the hubs she nonetheless is family like they have been part of my entire life. We broke her senior session down into two sessions to take advantage of the seasons…spring and summer…the spring had dark grey skies until the very end of our session and the summer session was such warm sunny skies and I couldn’t be any happier with the lighting at the end of our session…it was GORGEOUS…and it also helps with your subject is gorgeous as well…I may be a little bias but just look at her ~ ADORABLE….lol….anyways thank you so much Sydney for all the opportunities I had to capture you for your mom and dad…I am sending you a big giant virtual hug your way 🙂