Home for the Holidays…
There is no better feeling than waiting to spend time with family over the holidays…the very little time that goes by {and Christmas does fly by} I still am so excited to see the family I don’t get to see as often as we can. My brother and his wife along with my nephew came into town from PA and my little sister and her family came up from Columbus and we got to spend our Christmas at my sister’s house. Although we are still missing my sister and her family back in Oregon we make the most of it….
…My kids split there time with me and their father and that is SO hard…that is one thing I don’t think I can ever get used to…and I am sure the kids would agree with me…so I just treasure the time we have! This year my step daughter went to New York so we were minus a kid to boot…sigh… We were able to Facetime my sister in Oregon and my niece in PA…you have to love technology today!
I am sharing some memories tonight of my holiday spent with my family!
It’s a rare occasion in my house when all three kids are together…let alone all five of ours 🙁
I am so happy when they get along…and tell each other they miss each other…it just warms my heart!