Meet Sean…Medina Photography…Medina High School Senior Photography
I have to say my favorite part of photography are the children…ALL ages…and the most enjoyment is high school seniors. I don’t say this because the younger kids are cuter and gigglier, I say this because I enjoy seeing them in who they’ve become and talk about their hopes and dreams. I get to witness two sides to these individuals… the first side is the shy quiet let’s-get-this-over-with individual to a happy-to-be-here and I’m-actually-having-fun individual who starts sharing his or her dreams. I remember this age so well…you expect so much out of your life and can’t wait to live it, that passion in your belly…mine was lost a while ago and when I have high school senior photo shoots it reminds me of why we should keep that drive regardless of our age or milestone in our life….
…you have to wonder if its the same for high school teachers…witnessing seniors everyday…meet Sean…he is a senior at Medina High School…his mom is a teacher at Black River…I will have to ask her {ha ha}. Sean was such a pleasure…and his interests were boundless. And talk about his looks…ADORABLY HANDSOME! Here are a few of my favorites.