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Missing Friendships…

My daughter made such wonderful friends with neighbors across the street and they are such a wonderful family…I would be able to see their adorable faces on a daily basis and I can honestly say I miss them.  They moved a few years back and come back into town to visit family and their friends…and I love witnessing the excitement once these girls get together again…how I miss their giggles 🙂  I was lucky enough to photograph the family and boy how can one year be such a difference to the older one…sigh…watching her on a daily basis I don’t see the difference but only seeing her once a year…wow…how quickly kids turn into tweens…then into teenagers… and the next thing you know young adults…okay I am getting way ahead but it is going to happen and all I can say is I sure hope I get the opportunity to capture this family again…because they are truly missed!


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