The Blogging Starts Again…
…wow… I had someone mention they checked out my website quite often and noticed I haven’t blogged in awhile…I am like really? Hmm I wonder how long it’s actually been…HOLY COW…since April/May…um…I really have no excuse…well yes I do…warm weather finally came…more sessions…kids home from school…and well…I am outside much more…so I will be dedicating myself to blog something every morning (don’t hold me to this…it is just an attempt haha)…so we will see what happens…no wonder why I am not caught up yet on this thing…but also impressed that someone even noticed…makes me a happy photographer…
…so in attempt to get back on track I will finish up with my 2014 graduates that I have not yet posted…and what better subject then my first ever client…my gorgeous niece Sydney…Medina graduate this year…her future is endless in whatever she will endeavor…and she dreams big…and just LOVE that about her! So excited to see what she will become…