Changing One’s Perspective Can Be Make a Difference…
I feel photography is art…and love having almost every single photograph “off-entered”. But I also love changing my perspective. Photographing kids can be a difficult task to begin with but just changing one’s perspective can help give the emotion in the image…I love every form of photography…and almost every form of art, but when it comes to picture and the ones that grab my attention and love are those of a unique and different perspective.
When its a single subject I will definitely make them off-centered…to let the subject draw you in…if the photograph was taken from a different or unique perspective I love having them upfront and centered. Almost all of my favorite photographs of my own children are those when they are not even looking at the camera. It’s all about emotions and the memories I am capturing…and of course if they are willing to capture a silly face…well odds are that is the photo that will end up on my wall 🙂