Grown up…
…it is amazing how fast time goes by…thinking back twenty years ago when I moved into my house and neighborhood it was so quiet with just a few families with kids…then fast forward 3 – 4 years and boom…kids everywhere…and then 5-10 years later they play everywhere and with everyone…neighbors have come and gone and some I haven’t seen since they have moved but one family I was able to keep in touch with after they moved away and even had the opportunity to take one of their son’s senior pictures…live many states away…
Meet Jacob…he flew all the way here to Ohio from Texas to visit with his childhood friends and get his senior pictures taken…yep by me…I was so thrilled…it is just so nice to see him (would be nice to see the whole fam, but I won’t be picky lol)
Here are a few of my favorites…sending out a big virtual hug for you Jake…such a wonderful kind (and handsome) young man you’ve grown up to be…